Sunday, September 2, 2012

Summer Part Two

I wanted to share a few more pictures from our summer vacations.

These are from Manassa, Colorado.

My favorite part about being in Colorado was meeting and seeing the family again! I always enjoy seeing Aunt Ruth! She is an amazing woman and an excellent cook! I also loved meeting Uncle Wayne! He made me laugh all day! I loved getting to know him!
This picture was taken on the Ferris Wheel.

Hannah, Grandma, and Ross

On the way back from Manassa we stopped in Denver to see my family! We had delicious Indian food with my Dad, Melodie and Rachel. Rachel is full of personality! I love her!
Rachel would only take a serious picture if we could take a funny one after. This picture is too cute for words!

I enjoyed my short trip with my family but, it was exciting to head back to Burlington because Todd was coming home! Todd was in the Philippines on his mission for the past two years.

The complete family.

I was impressed at how many people came to the airport to welcome Todd. There was someone from almost every Davidson family in Burlington!
Ross and I with Todd!
Ross decided that the only proper greeting for Todd would be to decorate the Celica. Ross parked it at the end of the road and Todd was so impressed that he made us pull over so that he could ride up to the house in style.

The two loves of Ross' life.

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