Monday, September 2, 2013

I put Madison down for a nap the other day. When I came to check on her I found her like this.  
 It is amazing that she moved that much because I put her down in the middle and the opposite way.
 Madison sure is a little wiggler.
 We went down to Fort Collins on Saturday to see my friend Becca and her husband Tyler. It was nice to see them! They had an adorable apartment! I loved seeing it! We went out to dinner at a great Mexican restaurant. 
 Ross had the day off of school for Labor Day. It was nice to have him home even though it has been hard to let him study. He has been working hard and really enjoying his classes. I am glad that he has liked them so much.


  1. That is a cute picture of Ross and Madison. She sure is a smiley and happy baby.

  2. It's so funny what positions little babies get themselves in. I have some hilarious pictures of Jack!

    And we have that same crib!
