Sunday, July 20, 2014

Manassa Pioneer Days

In June, we heard that everyone would be heading to Southern Colorado for the Pioneer Day Celebration. By everyone I mean all of Ross' Aunts and Uncles on his mom's side and the majority of his cousins. I haven't had a good opportunity to meet very many of Ross' cousins on his Mom's side. I was very excited for the opportunity. It was great to meet so many people. I was glad that I was able to be there. There are also a few pictures from my birthday celebration last week. I was spoiled, but everyone. Thanks for all the birthday love! 

Blowing out the candles on my birthday cake. I was able to get them all out in one breath.
 Diana, Madison and Ross getting ready for the parade on Friday morning. 
 Madison loves spending time with her Aunt Diana. 
 Davidson girls in the party van! 
 This was the award winning float. I couldn't even believe the amount of work that they put into this. I think I could dedicate a whole post to the incredible floats. 
 The whole group watching the parade. 
 Ross, Diana and I. We were sitting on a chair made by Ross' great Grandpa. I love this picture. I am getting a big copy printed of this one. 
 Justin, Uncle Wayne, Ross and Madison chatting outside. 
 Anne and Aunt Sonia. I was so glad to meet Aunt Sonia, Uncle Wendell and Justin. They are fun people. I hope that we can visit them in California soon! 
 Uncle Wendell, Stella and Anne in the party van. 
 Alex and Braidy placed in their age groups during the 5k. Braidy got a nice trophy that Phillip is hoping to put as a hood ornament on their suburban. I think that is great idea! 
I was impressed by all the family memebers that signed up and ran in the 5k. Ross wouldn't pay for it (shocking) but decided to run anyway. He did great and would have placed in his age group. Uncle Wayne, Uncle Lowell, Alex, Braidy, Ross, Allen, Richard, Carly, Jace, Cynthia, Alisa and I all did the 5k. It was a fun activity. 
 Grandma, Madison, Ross and I. 
Anne, Grandma, Madison and Ross. 

 Aunt Diana, Anne and all the grandkids in the party van. They were prepping for the parade on Saturday morning. It was wild place to hang out. 
 There was also a huge carnival. Brad and Stella were able to ride a few rides. It was cute to see how excited they were. I love this picture of them. 
 Brad is usually a cheeser. 
 He was so excited when this plane ride went high. I loved seeing his face. 
 Phillip and his dream machine. 
 Aunt Sonia reading to Stella. 
 Madison and Grandma watching the parade. 
Madison had a good seat for that one! 

We had a great time visiting with family in Colorado. I wish that we all lived closer so that we could see them more frequently. Hopefully, I'll be able to convince Ross we need to go on more vacations to visit them. 


  1. Wow, Ross' grandpa made one sturdy chair if it can hold the three of you... I'm glad you had a fun weekend! I hope Diana is not trying to steal the favorite aunt status from me.

  2. As one of the 5 cousins who couldn't make it, I am so happy to see pictures of your awesome weekend!

  3. wow 23 candles in one breath, thats impressive!! don't worry emma we can share the favorite aunt status just not with janet haha. i'm glad we got some fun pics from this weekend!!

  4. Thanks for taking pictures of my kids. It was a fun weekend.
